Mobile applications are one of the most powerful tools a business can use to reach their target audience. Mobile apps are a convenient means to attract new customers while gaining the attention of existing customers.Your Business Needs a Brand Mobile AppWhat are consumers doing on their mobile devices? Consumers are using apps instead of using a mobile browser.By the NumbersSmartphones continue to make up the majority of media consumption. A 2019 report on mobile use by eMarketer found that “the average adult in the U.S. spends 3 hours and 43 minutes on mobile devices” and most of that time, “2 hours and 55 minutes is spent on smartphones.”Statistic conducted a study that projected mobile app revenues from 2015 to 2020. Here’s what they found:
- In 2015 the total revenue generated across all mobile operating systems was about $70 billion.
- In 2016 this number reached $88 billion.
- By 2020 the combined mobile app revenue will reach a staggering $189 billion.
The average mobile user spends nearly 3 hours in mobile apps versus just 26 minutes on a mobile browser. Through apps, people stream music, watch videos, play video games, specialized news selections, and shop. Speaking of shopping on mobile devices, a RetailMeNot study found that two-thirds of online shoppers use their mobile phones to compare prices and review products while in a store, before speaking to a store associate.
Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App
Because 90% of mobile browsing takes place within an app, having a branded mobile app for your company is a necessity for your business’ growth.
- Branded apps build brand loyalty and trust.
- The right developer can make interacting with your app a fun user experience in addition to being easier than using mobile browsers.
- You will be able to have more control over the flow of data, how, when, and what data consumers see.
- When consumers have great user experiences, they are more likely to “Like” and “Review” the app in the mobile app store. Choosing a mobile app developer who can get your branded app just right will help increase your company’s visibility through likes and positive app reviews.
How Much You Should Pay

No one likes to spend a lot of money if they do not have to. The one area a business does not want to skimp on expenses is the creation of a branded mobile app that will be a representation of that company. Experienced app developers will not let themselves be haggled or nickel-and-dimed. And in all honesty, do you really want to hire someone who does not know the value of their own work? In other words, choosing the lowest bidder to develop your app will probably not end well and you would likely end up having to take your project to a mobile app developer like KitelyTech who is experienced in taking over half-finished projects and rebuilding apps that were poorly made.App development is hard work and top-notch mobile app development usually requires a dedicated team of developers, graphic artists, UX designers, and testers. Because no two apps are alike, the timeline and price will vary. For example:
- A basic standalone application can take 6 weeks to 3 months to build. It could cost $10,000 or more.
- A simple, server-based app with users and databases could take several months, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.
- A full-enterprise app can take up to a year or longer. The price of a full-enterprise application is astronomical—only big companies can afford something of this magnitude.
Different Pay ModelsNot every app developer is created equal, nor do they all present high-quality work or customer service. A best in industry application developer in Chicago, like KitelyTech, will work with you to understand your app goals and to understand your budgetary needs. Different developers have different payment models that they prefer to use.
- Per Project – many mobile application agencies offer a fixed-price or lump-sum contract payment model for the entire project.
- Hourly – this straightforward pricing model is pretty common.
Where to Find the Best App Developers

- Freelance Platforms – There are plenty of freelancers using freelance marketplaces like Growth Collective, Upwork, Fivver, and These types of platforms are where many inexperienced developers go to find clients to build up their portfolios and gain experience.
- Social Media – LinkedIn is a social media platform for business professionals. Many experienced freelancers are on LinkedIn.
- Job Boards – Indeed is a great place to find individual software developers.
- The risk with hiring individuals is that, because app development is pretty intricate, it usually requires a team of experts. Hiring an individual or freelancer could mean waiting a very long time for a completed project. Also, there is the risk of hiring a scam artist, or someone whose work is not good quality at all.
App Development CompaniesTo find the best mobile app development company in Chicago, you can search online via Google. Small mobile application companies in Chicago are more likely to provide your business with the level of special attention needed to take your brand to the next level.Making Your SelectionWhether you decide to go with an individual app developer or a mobile app designer, choosing who you want to work with takes effort. Here are a few tips to help you make the best selection for your company.
- Get to know them. Talking to your potential developer face to face and getting a feel for their company or the individual is very important. If you can’t meet your potential developer in person, schedule a meeting via Skype, Zoom, or even Discord. All are free and allow for video conferencing.
- Check to see if they have a portfolio of their work, preferably live apps. How varied is their work? Does their work look the same, as if they were cloned?
- Let them talk and ask you questions. Experienced web and mobile app developers want to get to know you, your business, and objectives so that they can build an exceptional product for you.
- Check out the reviews for the business or freelancer on sites like Yelp and Google Reviews.The Support You Will Need
Websites and apps need consistent maintenance. Your app will need constant updates to stay up to date with the latest technology and security. Different app development companies have different support models.
- On-call Support. Your developer will be available to fix whatever issues you may need on an as-needed basis.
- Retainer Support. To give clients peace of mind, developers will oversee all your maintenance, updates, and bugs for a monthly fee.
- Handover. The client assumes responsibility for the maintenance of the app. Big companies or corporations may have a department or team that is able to keep up app maintenance in-house. So, the developer with sign-off and hand over the project and the source code to the client.
Why you should choose KitelyTech
Finding the best app development company that fits your company isn’t as easy as flipping a coin. Your app is an extension of you and your business brand. You want it to be the best. Why not choose the top mobile app development company in Chicago?
- Our team of iOS and Android developers are best in class with more nearly 10 years developing our team.
- Part of our strategy is getting to know you, the client, and your team so that we can ensure we deliver a product that is not only visually stunning, but is an extension of your brand.
- We don’t just create good looking products. We create good looking products that provide your customers a pleasant user experience.
- Ask our clients. They love us.
Whether you are an individual with a great idea for an app or a business looking for ways to connect to more customers and continue brand growth, finding the right mobile app web developer for you and your business is crucial. Call KitelyTech on (800) 274 2908 today for more information.