Oct 11, 2023

3 Ways to Improve Your B2B SEO in 2022

3 Ways to Improve Your B2B SEO in 2022

ou’re probably familiar already with the importance of developing a SEO (search engine optimization) strategy for your digital marketing endeavors. But what’s the best way to shape your SEO when you’re trying to attract business from other businesses online? 

This is where B2B SEO marketing can help you. 

Rather than spending a huge budget to get your company’s face directly in front of enterprise customers, B2B SEO is a smarter, more cost-effective method of strategically optimizing your online content to rank higher on Google for specific keywords or questions. For example, a B2B SEO agency might help an IT provider create blog posts aimed at answering common questions that business customers might search for online regarding IT support. The higher your content ranks for relevant questions, the more likely other businesses are to find and conduct business with you. 

Aside from hiring an agency that’ll provide B2B SEO services to manage your digital marketing campaign, there are some things you can do yourself to improve your B2B SEO. Here are 3 great ways to improve your B2B SEO in 2022.

  1. Featured Snippets

Generally, when you type a direct question into Google’s search engine, a Featured Snippet will pop up at the top of the search results page, displaying a brief summary of a webpage that specifically answers your question. These Featured Snippets are a great way to get your content highlighted in front of business eyes. 

By including snippet bait at the beginning of your articles, Google can more easily draw up quotes from your content to use as Featured Snippets. But to create your own snippet bait, you must first determine what type of Featured Snippet best fits your content. 

There are several types of Featured Snippets you should know about, including:

  • Definition Snippets
  • Paragraph Snippets
  • YouTube Featured Snippets
  • Table Snippets
  • List Snippets

Once you’ve decided the type of Featured Snippet that’ll best highlight your content, find a way to add a snippet of content at the beginning of your page that’s designed to fit inside that Featured Snippet box. All around, tailoring your content for Featured Snippets is great SEO practice, both for B2B SEO marketing and general SEO marketing.

  1. Recycle Your Content

You don’t need to start from scratch every time you create new content

Not only is repurposing your own existing content easy, it also comes with a number of benefits—like reaching new audiences, maximizing your past efforts, and maintaining strong content front and center. Recycling your content can look like reformatting a past blog post into an infographic, transcribing a YouTube video into a blog post, or even creating case studies out of your own internal data. 

To figure out which content is best for repurposing, start by examining your most popular posts from the past year. Why did those posts perform well? Is there a way to reformat them so they can perform even better? By recycling your content, you’ll both increase your online reach and hone your content to stay relevant and updated. 

  1. Increase Dwell Time

Positive user experience is a huge factor that search engines take into account. 

One measure of positive user experience is dwell time—or the amount of time a user spends consuming your content before going back to the search results page. Longer dwell time typically indicates better user experience. It shows that people want to stay on your website, reading your content or shopping through your products. So if you want to increase dwell time, you need to make sure your content is both high-quality and engaging.

Integrating media into your content is a great way to engage users. Through images, infographics, and videos, you can illustrate information to users more effectively, holding their attention by diversifying your content. You can even increase engagement by designing for dark mode too. 

Overall, the main point about B2B SEO is this: Your B2B SEO strategy needs to focus on answering the top questions that professionals in your industry are asking. When your content appropriately satisfies what your market is searching for, your B2B SEO will improve.

Finding ways to implement a B2B SEO marketing strategy on your own can be a difficult task, which is why many companies turn to business partners like KitelyTech for help. At KitelyTech, we stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in the Google search algorithm so that we can help companies maximize their search engine rankings. Call us at (800) 274 2908 to get help reaching the top of your search engine results.