Oct 11, 2023

4 Best SEO Techniques for eCommerce

4 Best SEO Techniques for eCommerce

Search engine optimization, or SEO as it is commonly known, is the method of optimizing your website for the search engines so that it will be listed in the top results or on the first page of the search engine result pages. In eCommerce, SEO is one of the best methods of getting more traffic to your website, thus generating more sales. SEO has been the most popular method used by many online businesses to increase their revenues and visibility. In this article, learn four of the best SEO techniques for eCommerce.

On-Page Optimization

On-page SEO optimization is the process of optimizing the content of a web page in such a way that it drives search engine traffic towards the site. The term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. On-page optimization is a complete set of techniques used to make the website rank well in major search engines. SEO is not a one-time activity. It is continuous for a long period of time till you maintain the rank with the same search engines.

On-page SEO optimization refers to all the elements of a website, including the text, graphics, title, image, and so on. When SEO is done well, then the site will receive a high ranking with major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and so on. This result will be made possible only if the on-page SEO optimization is done well.

There are many effective methods of on-page optimization. We can use an SEO friendly content writing tool to identify keywords and user needs to help in the creation of a good content. Other methods used for on-page optimization include the use of meta tags and keyword research to get the right keywords and the right place to place them in a website to help in driving the best SEO results to the first page of Google and other search engines.

Off-Page Optimization

Off-page SEO optimization is a technique of increasing the amount of traffic that a site gets by means of search engine results such as Yahoo or Google. One way to improve your off-page optimization is to get external links to your site from other sites. External links and keywords refer to any information provided by other websites linking back to your own.

It can also include reputation management, where you control your company's online presence on social media, by responding to reviews, and maintaining accurate listings in online directories. It involves monitoring and managing an organization's reputation in the online community, using strategies such as social media, blogs, and articles. 

Other off-page seo tips include building link popularity using social media networking and bookmarking sites. These methods are generally considered to be less intrusive than others, but can still give you excellent results, especially if you start off your optimization campaign with an on-page SEO plan. 

Voice Search Optimization

When you optimize your web pages for voice search, you basically optimize for how humans run verbal searches on the internet. This method of SEO gives you the opportunity to have your page read aloud by a robot assistant, such as Amazon's Alexa or Apple's Siri. When users ask a question, this is the answer that Alexa will provide in response. There are ways to improve your site's chances of being selected by optimizing it for voice search. 

Mobile Responsiveness 

If you are running an online business and have a website for your website that is not mobile friendly, then there is a big problem brewing and you should know about this very soon because the competition online is getting tighter than ever. When people search the internet on their mobile phones, they would rather go to sites that they could find on the first three pages of the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing since these pages are easier to access and faster to load on their mobile devices and set up to work well on tablets and mobile phones.

Websites that are not mobile friendly are slow to load on mobile devices, or that fail to load at all, often have high bounce rates. People open these pages and quickly close them. If you are targeting online shoppers that use their phones, then your website should be designed in such a way that it can be easily accessed and browsed on mobile devices. This way, you will be able to compete with the other websites that are also targeting the same buyers. Your website should always be accessible to view on tablets, laptops and other tablet devices because this will give your customers the best experience on purchasing from your website.

Work with a Professional SEO Team

SEO professionals can optimize your web page for keywords relevant to your location and place links to your web page and/or your local business within the meta tags of other pages on the site. They can also submit your site to all the major search engines via local SEO directories. Finally, they can increase the volume of traffic to your site through link exchanges, blogs, and other Internet tools. 

Working with a professional SEO team could be the difference between lackluster SEO results and noticeable differences. At KitelyTech, we can create a custom SEO strategy to implement based on competitive research and SEO expertise. Call us at (800) 274 2908 to learn more about the SEO services that we offer.