Oct 11, 2023

6 Secrets of High Converting CTAs

6 Secrets of High Converting CTAs

Calls-to-Action (CTAs) are one of the most important parts of an advertisement, landing page, or other digital asset used to get viewers to do something. It is the element that users click on that takes them deeper into the sales funnel. If you want to increase your lead generation, clickthrough rates, or successful sales, you need to master the development of CTAs. In this article, we discuss six secrets of high-converting CTAs. 

Text is the Most Important Part

Your CTAs will consist of two parts: the text and the action item. The text is the most important part since it directly conveys the meaning of the CTA. What you say in your CTAs directly affects how well they work, and you will have to think long and hard about what your CTAs should say. 

To create the most effective CTAs, start with a simple phrase that sparks interest or an emotional reaction. People buy based on their feelings and you can use this to your advantage. Focus on how the user feels and you may be able to create text that leads to higher conversions

Pick Colors to Make an Impact

The design of the CTA button should blend naturally with the elements around it. However, there are also cases where choosing colors that are in stark contrast to the previous content. This can be an effective way of making your CTA stand out more. Regardless of what colors you choose, the CTA needs to work well thematically with the rest of the elements around it. You want it to stand out, but not in a way that breaks the theme. It is unprofessional and it will be a turnoff for viewers. 

To get the best performance out of your CTAs based on colors, study the theory of colors and how they affect decision making. Knowing how colors work can be a major advantage in logo and overall website design. For example, women tend to choose CTAs that are warmer while men specifically focus on CTAs with cooler, more focused color choices. If you know the makeup of your audience, you can tailor your CTAs to appeal to the right audience. 

Button Placement is Important

Aside from what the button looks like, where you place it is critically important. The biggest mistake that you could make with a CTA is putting it in a place where it does not make sense. CTAs are generally found at the end of a page or post after you have fully provided the value to the user. 

For example, a post where you are trying to sell a product will have a CTA at the end once you have fully described the value of that product. The reason for this is because you want the reader to get the full picture before taking action. The CTA almost always takes the reader away from the page that they are on, so you want him or her to get all of the relevant information upfront since they will likely not be coming back to this page. 

In some cases, you can find CTAs in several other places. Putting a CTA button in the navigation list is a great way to make sure that it is easily accessible no matter where a reader is on a page. Some landing pages have two CTAs: one after the intro, and one at the end. These two CTAs often look different and serve different purposes. The first CTA may not have a button, although it would open up several creative animation options for scrolling down the page for more content. Instead, it can be a longer text-based CTA that entices readers to learn more about the product or service. The CTA at the end is designed to draw readers into the sales funnel. 

Animations are More Effective

While static CTAs are a staple in driving traffic and generating leads, there are other options that perform better. Animated elements almost always work better than elements that are not animated. Fortunately, new technologies like HTML5, make it much easier to animate web-based elements. 

For animations to be effective, they should be simple and eye-catching. You want readers to notice them, but not be entirely distracted by them. There are two types of animation that are effective: contact animations and automatic animations. Contact animations happen when a user interacts with that element. Hover effects, animations triggered by the mouse pointer passing over the CTA, are common. Automatic animations are triggered by specific conditions on the page, such as the user scrolling down enough to view the converting CTAs. You can use either type or both types to greater effect.  

CTAs in Navigation are Good for Indexing

The placement of CTAs is important for more than just attracting customers. You can place CTA buttons in the navigation of the website so that it is always accessible on the page. However, this also works well for search engines

Search engines check the navigation tree for your website when they index them. Having a CTA in the navigation means that those search engines will go to important pages quickly. It should be standard practice to put a converting CTAs in the navigation if you have one very important CTA for your website and you are focused on maximizing your SEO. 

Mastering CTAs Takes Practice

CTAs are essential to your business’ success, which is why many companies spend a lot of time and effort trying to improve their converting CTAs. You can partner with an agency like KitelyTech to get the help that you need to maximize the effectiveness of the CTAs on your website. Call us at (800) 274 2908 to collaborate on making your website the best that it could be.