Oct 11, 2023

Front-end JavaScript Frameworks Showdown: Vue vs. React vs. Angular

Front-end JavaScript Frameworks Showdown: Vue vs. React vs. Angular

JavaScript is still one of the leading components for making web pages and web apps functional. Without it, most web applications would lose most of their ability to do things and handle data. However, plain JavaScript can be cumbersome and difficult to use in a modern web application. That’s why frameworks are developed to make JavaScript more modern development friendly. There are several leading options available for your company to use on a development project. Here is a comparison between the Vue, React, and Angular frameworks for front-end JavaScript development.


Vue is one of the most popular front-end development frameworks for JavaScript, but it is not a front-end framework. It is a UI library, which means it is a collection of user interface systems that you can use to create a user interface, including the front-end of a web app. 

Although not purpose-built for front-end work, Vue does offer a lot in the way of building front-ends. It is specifically targeted at new developers or developers without a lot of experience in the field. Essentially, it tries to make it as easy as possible to build a single-page web application where a single collection of code creates the app rather than a bunch of compiled files and components. This makes the workflow easier to manage and reduces the learning curve substantially. 


React is another of the most popular front-end options, but it is not a front-end framework either. It is considered a progressive framework, meaning it's a collection of resources that help you compile programs rather than being specifically focused on the front end. Still, it has plenty to offer front-end developers. In fact, it is one of, if not the, most preferred options for front-end development. 

The biggest advantage to using React over other options is that it can be used to make apps and web pages using the same code. React Native is integrated into React, making the code work on mobile and web-based applications without major modifications. That means you can build the app once and use it in multiple ecosystems, which is important since mobile apps are the leading way that people interact with companies on the internet. 

Another advantage is how the system is created, making it modular and reusable. Instead of one long integrated piece, React uses components. Essentially, each component is like a cog in a machine and those cogs can be reconfigured and reused to make the machine do whatever you want it to. Because of this structure, many developers are able to reuse segments of their designs across a project or across multiple projects. This greatly speeds up development, especially if you have things like security-based components that you need to create for every project. 


Out of the three options, Angular may be the most accurate front-end framework, meaning it was built for front-end development. Being specifically built for the task, it may have a significant advantage when used for front-end development. 

One of the best features of Angular is that it is open-source. There is a very large and helpful community available to help with Angular development projects. This also means that there are a lot of tools that you can find to help with specific tasks and a lot of documentation and active help from other developers.

Another important aspect of Angular’s development is that it is supported by Google. One of the biggest problems that developers have is picking resources that will stay around over the long term. Since it is supported by Google, Angular is not likely to leave the market or fall behind its competitors in terms of development and support.

One of the drawbacks to Angular is that it has a high learning curve. Angular is based on a language called TypeScript. If you are not proficient in TypeScript, then Angualr is very difficult to use. Therefore, you generally have to learn how to use TypeScript before or concurrently with learning Angular. This means that developers take longer to reach a level of proficiency where they can contribute on a commercial scale. 

Which is Best?

It is difficult to determine which of the options is best because they all have their use cases. For example, Vue is likely the best option for developers that need to be productive but do not have the experience to use other frameworks. It all depends on the situation. 

React appears to be the most popular option and for good reason. The reusability of its components is a major benefit within the same project. Being able to duplicate code that you need that you already made is a major advantage to productivity and cost savings. 

Get Help Deciding From KitelyTech

If you can’t decide which option to choose for your next project, work with KitelyTech to find out. We can help you understand the differences in greater detail and even help you with your project. Call us at (800) 274-2908 to discuss your development options.