Mobile app distribution platforms are growing to meet the increased demand for mobile apps and software. To improve the speed of developments, development teams turn to tools and frameworks. With the right tools, a team can complete their work in a much shorter time and with a lower cost. Here are the best tools for mobile app development.
1. Appcelerator Titanium
Titanium is a framework for developing native mobile apps with HTML5 technologies, CSS and JavaScript. It also supports third-party server-side code (C# and Objective-C), and third-party client-side code (JavaScript and Ruby). With all of these options available, you can use it as a full stack development option.
2. Appcelerator C
Appcelerator C is a C++ cross-platform (Java and Android) framework for developing mobile applications with high performance and data security. It supports graphics, sound, animations, and relies on the latest languages within Appcelerator Titanium (HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript). The focus on security is particularly important as mobile devices are targeted regularly by security threats.
3. Xamarin
Xamarin allows you to use C# and the JavaScript API on iOS and Android. It also offers a full SDK for Unity3D, the de facto platform for developing games and 3D applications. Xamarin gained popularity due to its support for gaming applications. Mobile games have become a lucrative business opportunity and many mobile companies are developing them now.
4. Appscend
Appscend allows coders to build mobile apps using HTML5, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and SQLite. It also supports browsing your database on the go. Backend resources, like databases, play an important part in user experiences. Having a framework that focuses on database inclusion makes developing mobile apps much easier.
5. React Native
React Native is a JavaScript framework that can be used to build native mobile applications using JavaScript and ReactJS. It allows you to write your code in JavaScript, and it will work as if the application was created from scratch using native components. This means that your app is cross-platform, which makes it easier to build and maintain the app for different ecosystems.
6. AppInstitute
AppInstitute is the only company that offers iPhone and Android native app development, allowing coders to design native mobile apps like natives. Projects are delivered faster than ever before, and developers get the best source code possible.
7. Buddy
Buddy is a cloud platform that allows developers to connect and develop applications like never before. The platform allows coders to build native mobile apps using HTML5 technologies, CSS and JavaScript.
8. Kobiton
Kobiton is a JavaScript framework that allows coders to create native mobile applications using web technologies, making it easier for developers to build apps on multiple platforms. Since mobile devices are the primary way that people access the internet and shop online, being able to build a cross-platform application gives you a major advantage over other options.
9. Appypie
Appypie allows coders to create native mobile applications using web technologies. The platform has an iOS-like interface which makes it easy for developers to go from start to finish when building an app. You can also use Appypie to connect your app with social media apps, including Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
10. Swiftic
Swiftic is a free and open source framework and kit created by the community and developed by Swiftic. The kit is built with both iOS and Android in mind. It will allow developers to build an app for both iOS and Android in no time.
Partner with Tech Experts
If your company needs to develop a mobile app, one of the best things that you can do is get help from an expert. At KitelyTech, we work with a wide range of technologies and companies to create modern mobile applications. Call us at (800) 274 2908 to discuss your app development needs.