Oct 11, 2023

The Future of Web Application Development

The Future of Web Application Development

When we consider the future of web app development, we need to take into account the introduction of Progressive Web Apps. Progressive Web Apps make it clear that the future of web based applications should involve replacing native applications. However, the future of web application development does not stop there. NativeScript, React Native, React VR, and other large renderers have taught all of us that rendering is crucially important. 

Additionally, JavaScript can now be used for server side coding, and several other types of applications. When JavaScript first came out, it was impossible to imagine these uses - like robots and the Internet of Things - to name a few examples.

The Past of Web Development

Despite the strides made by web developers over the years, when we consider the future of web application development, we must look at what needs to be changed in how we develop web applications. Coding languages evolve over decades, but that doesn’t mean we should forget the original reasons for creating these specific languages. JavaScript, for example, was created because the creators wanted to give anyone the ability to create something in HTML.

Browsers themselves haven’t changed very much over the years. Although, now, web languages have become standardized and browsers have implemented features for that standardization. And, new standards have allowed us to develop new features - albeit with the same languages and syntax. This system of coding and development is over 25 years old, we need to maintain some knowledge of its history if we want to maintain it.

How Web Development Should Evolve

When we consider the future of web app development, we need to think about new web technologies that need to be created and standardized to eventually replace the current ones. This should involve keeping the good things we have, learning from the bad things, and applying features that the community has embraced throughout the years. First, let’s consider the pros and cons of HTML.

The bad:

  • When you think about it, there isn’t really anything that is essentially wrong with HTML. However, the fact that it was created to write simple elements can be seen as a mark against it.
  • Libraries like Angular, React, and Vue and future features like web components show that we no longer write code using simple elements. We need to know the properties that the elements need and how they will be applied.

The good:

  • As we said before, HTML is simple. That means it’s simple to learn and work in. 
  • The syntax is simple and it plays nice with other languages, like PHP.

What we can learn:

  • HTML could benefit  from a simple way to define custom elements and isolated templates. Vue, for example, defines templates in a very simple way. 
  • Angular consumes templates in an interesting way. More often than not, an Angular template is used by a single component. 
  • What if HTML evolved, and it stopped being an XML extension, instead opting to become a complete language on its own?
  • HTML could also have a template logic operation of its own, and a syntax that is able to be integrated into current and future languages.

CSS - Pro’s and Con’s

The bad:

  • Again, similar to CSS, there isn’t much that is wrong with CSS. One major strike against it is the fact that it is difficult to master.
  • CSS lacks a way to apply isolated style in custom components, and a way to restyle those components easily. 
  • Currently, the only way to bring new features to older browsers is to polyfill them. However, CSS is very hard to polyfill.

The good:

  • Much like HTML, CSS is a simple language that can achieve complex things. It is easy to learn, and most editors have an autocomplete capability. 

What we can learn:

  • CSS can learn a lot from SCSS. The syntax is identical. Furthermore, it allows nest selectors, apply mixins, use variables, and plenty of other things. In many cases SCSS has become the standard way to develop a web style.
  • New languages that use apply styles in complex applications should better resemble CSS.
  • Also, CSS needs support for better cross file references.


If you’re looking to learn more about the future of web application development, reach out to KitelyTech today. For many years, KitelyTech has worked with entrepreneurs to help them implement new and exciting technologies into their business models. Contact KitelyTech today on (800) 274 2908 to learn more.